The books on Runestone.Academy are all free and open source textbooks. We encourage you to browse the library and make use of these books in your courses. If you are a new instructor and want to do this, please take a look at the Help for Instructors page before you make a course. Note: The links to books on this page are for browsing only. If you want your work to be saved you should enroll in the course. If you are a self-learner you can click on the Register button for the book. If you are taking a course your instructor will priovide you a code to register from the Change Course page.
Used by 47 students in 2 courses
Description: A linear algebra textbook using Python and interactive Runestone exercises
The books published on Runestone are all licensed under the Creative Commons CC-BY license or the GNU Free Documentation license. The source code for each book can be found on Our Github Page and will give you the specifics of the license. We encourage you to report any inaccuracies, typos or leave us suggestions using the Github issues page for each book.